Thursday, 24 February 2011

motion track with pftrack

Heres some test i did with PFtrack a program that my colleague Arren which has made


I found thi program very usefull with in tracking my scenes

Wednesday, 23 February 2011

storyboarding time

I began storybaording potentials ideas

I first came up with the idea of the having a bus being chases but I didn't complete the stroyboard cause its seem impossible to film.

The second idea I came up with was having a plane falling from the sky wit everyone on it panicking. also I had a little bird being chased by the plane and then getting sucked up in to one of the engine of the plane. Then coms out the other end as a bucket of KFC

I had another idea where you have a man on a unicycles  trying to carry a number on different idea whilst on a tightrope.

I then had the idea of having a man who begins with a man reading a new paper. to then receiving  a telephone call from his wife demanding him to get the shopping in. so he fanatically drive down to the shop and gets the shopping. After completing the shopping he return the trolly however he manages to fall in to the trolly and and slide down a hill very fast dodging difference obstacles.

i feel that this has some potential I will  further develop it.

I feel this idea had some potentials  and so i wanted to move forward with it

Motion track with in after effects

I first look online for a tutorials for motion tracking on after effects

I found this very interested and it help me to inform my work

Here a little test i did with in after effects with our group icon

Tuesday, 8 February 2011

Green scene tests with in after effcts

I first got a friend of mine to stand on a green in my mate garage and put two 10 kilowatts work light on both side of the green screen and then put the actor in front

I then put the footage in to the program adobe after effects

I then put the footage in to after effects and then was told by my tutor Alex Hulse that there is a plug-in with adobe after effect 

I then need to create a mask in to the scene the cut of the background of the garage.

i then move the mask and tried to animate in insynce in and around the model

I then began do some color correction with in the video so I can make it blind in with the back ground.
I then  used the tint the and gave it a blue tone

i then put a clour in front of the actor and heavily blurred out it out. In an attempt to

First pass of green scene test