Industrial Exercise 2
hello My name is Russell Pointer i ma studying a Raveborune university college.
I am asked to create a tutorial on any creative technical processes within the software of my choice that is relevant within the creative industry.
How am i going to do this
1. Reserch in to tutorials online about Ncloth both on maya and the Autodesk website
2. I will then make a step by step guide in how to you Ncloth from my research i gathered
3. Make a coherent tutorial and upload it the youtube.
I will be studying in to Ncloth with in Autodesk maya.
Ncloth is a simulator within maya that allows you to be able to make object reacted and cloth materials.
Here is an example of what is achievable from the use of the Ncloth simulator
There are many other things that are made possible with the ncloth simulation software with in maya
table cloths
weighting down objects
How will i research this
I will first be researching in to different tutorial both online and thought maya instruction books.
after compliling the nesscasy imformation needed i will be able to produce a video tutorial
researching in to tutorial online involving ncloth and the technical processes needed to create it.
I found that the introduction of how the person was having problem recording his desk was a bit unnecessary. Apart from this it was a good formative look at the basic printable of em cloth
second tutorial
My tutorial on Ncloth
I found this very interesting