Monday, 10 January 2011

maya work

What first come to mind when you think of art

I had a new idea to have a rapping pencils. I did some concept for it 

I was trying to think a buzz works for arts.  in other words was first thing  that comes to mind when u hear arts.  

 Here are some more basic ideas

I decided to continue with the hand idea with arts utensils 

I feel that the idea is best suited of a mixture of live action with integrated. i managed to get my friend Gabriel to film me as my  

Filming the live action of Gabriel

maya problems 

maya problem for some reason when I attach the the plane with the fur tool to the brush itself its doesn't seem to want to merge with out the fur disappearing

I then decided o time restriction was to make the brush again but make it a cartoon style brush

change idea due to technical difficulties 

As a result of this i made to change idea from have a live action human with the the hand composite  
in in sync

im going to made a montage of the model with lots of different cameras to then revel the arts logo 
 with the moment  

I then soften the bottom of the brush by using the smooth tool in mesh. however I was told by a friend of mine that if i do this it make to many faces and i would need to reduces. so i used the reduce option with in maya.

I the began to UV map it 

I then started to model the sharpener for the thumb of the hand.  First got a cube then extruded the some of the edges of the model then face some of the centre faces down.

I then put a poly plane for the blade of the sharpen then elongated it to scale 

Then after that I assigned new materials  to parts of the object just putting a grey blinn to give the shine effect to the metal   

I then did a basic animation test to see with the rig moved with object and how it deformed

youtube test of rig

with in rigging the model i hand to try and make them move like as if they where human finger

                                                                    Human Finger                                          

Human hand consit of 19 join excluding the rist joint  I have to try and incorporate this in to my model

web site images website

             Design layout out of fingers the red dots indicate where i have to put them in the 3d model

I then started to model the rubber I first got a sphere and then squashed it

                              I then rig the shape by just putting a basic spine to it

 I then UV mapped the rubber 

i then tested the rig to see how it deformed 

 The results where good

I then began to model the ruler its was a simple plane just extruded out with a little indent on the side

I then rigged the ruler 

After that i textured  the object i then did a rig test to see if its was working ok.  

Continuing modelling the pencil

I had dun final touch up with the pencils and then assigned to the bottom part of the model with the lead and blinn to give it a shinny effected and also to the part where there rubber part goes.

After that i then rig the model same as i did with the other part of the hand

I then UV mapped it with photoshop i'm quite happy with the result

360 view of pencil

Final rigging test

I've not been able to correct the rig on the model  as a result of this I have to abandon the ideas with live action all together

I had some trouble within model the book

I started with two cubes and put an extuer sub division

I then  extruded the top faces of the cubes

I then got two cylinders and squashed them by half and then combined them in to the square

After that i got another cylinder and then with the edge toll gave it a a curve inwoulds

360 of hand 


I first made a flat plan and attached an images to it that i made in photoshop

filming time 

I started to put camera in the scene and began to light it 

 Render test

final out come 

I feel that through the project my time management skill need to be improved.
also i think feel that i need to study within a specific area with in maya  for example rigging and dictate the idea around that. i could have used my time productively with i feel that my storyboard idea camera.
i also feel 

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